Astley Care’s Home & Community Care Services, helping you live life to the fullest.
Our HACC Services are available to frail aged people, younger people with disabilities and their carers and are focused on assisting them to continue living independently at home.

Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP)

Domestic Assistance

We provide assistance with basic housekeeping tasks such as vacuuming, washing floors, laundry and meal preparation and our clients are encouraged to work alongside our staff to the best of their ability.

Shopping and Transport

Astley Care can get you to and from the shops and help you make your purchases if required. For many of our clients shopping is an important social activity that helps them keep in touch with the wider community. We can help you with transport and support to enable you to get to medical and other appointments and social outings. Transport can be provided in a hoist equipped vehicle if required.

Social Support

Being housebound can have a major impact on overall health and wellbeing. We can visit you at home, as well as arranging weekday and weekend excursions designed to maximise opportunities for companionship and peer interaction.

Personal Care

Maintaining personal hygiene and medication regimes is not only healthy, it helps individuals to maintain self respect and maximise wellness. Our staff can come to your home to provide assistance with tasks such as showering, dressing and shaving as well as medication prompting and management.



Respite Care

We all agree that taking on a carer role can be exhausting. With this in mind, we can provide carers with up to 4 hours a week break from their caring role. Trained support workers will provide company, outings, personal care, meal preparation and light housework. Respite can be carried out on a regular, planned or one off basis and is available on weekdays with limited hours available on weekends and evenings.

Carer’s Group

Taking a break from your carer role provides a vital opportunity to recharge your batteries. If you are caring for someone and feel that you need some support why not contact us at Astley Care. Our Carers Group meets monthly for support, socialisation, information and training in a group setting. We can also provide transport to the group and a respite carer if required.

Exclusions for Respite and Personal Care Services

Astley Care is not a nursing service and cannot provide any assistance with procedures such as injections and dressings.

Day Program Services

Astley Care runs a variety of programs six days a week either, from Astley House or from our Langford Centre. The Astley House Club runs groups from Mon-Fri for frail aged people either from 10am to 2.30pm or a half day.

A Men’s Group, dementia specific program, a frail aged group, and a Younger People with Disabilities group are also run from the Langford Club. The programs aim to provide socialisation for isolated people who find it difficult to access other social venues and respite for carers.

Transport is provided in a bus equipped with a wheelchair hoist and trained staff provide personal care, if required. The programs include morning tea and lunch and a variety of activities to promote wellness. Access is through an Assessment. For more information phone the Day Club Coordinator on 9490 3002.

Home Maintenance

Keeping your home safe is vitally important, so when some of the tasks become a problem for you to undertake on your own, our home maintenance service can help with gardening and other light maintenance tasks, including lawn mowing, pruning of shrubs, changing light bulbs and smoke alarm batteries, replacing tap washers and other odd jobs. Exclusions for Home Maintenance Tasks include tasks that require a qualified tradesperson such as an electrician, plumber or tree lopper.

In accordance with the wellness philosophy which aims to maintain independence, you will need to be assessed to access HACC services. The assessment is carried out by the Regional Assessment Service (call 1300 785 415). The assessment usually takes place in your own home and will be based on your existing abilities, with support provided for tasks you are unable to undertake on your own.

For more information on Astley Care’s Home & Community Care services, call us on 9490 2393


Funded by the State and Commonwealth Governments through the HACC Program